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Jackie was once a hardcore drug addict who has been homeless, unable to keep a job and knows what it is like to wake up in jail without any hope of having a different life. By God's grace, she now has a different life and is married to her best friend Mark and she is Mom to David. They live in the beautiful mountains of Asheville, North Carolina where they get to do life and ministry together.





















Jackie was raised in South Florida by an alcoholic single mom with no father in her life. At age 12, the state of Florida became involved in her life and Jackie was removed from her mother’s home. Jackie went to live with her older brother and his wife. Jackie’s teenage years were followed with an attempted suicide and feelings of low self-esteem and little self-worth - feelings that continued as she grew into an adult. In an attempt to fill the void, she sought things very far from God.


What followed next was a period of several years of blackout drinking and drug addiction at a level that most people do not live to talk about.




"A short time later Jackie found herself in jail with the reality that she may never see her son again, suicide seemed the only way out but God in his incredible mercy had another plan and through a series of events, a little willingness on her part and by God's grace, she had an encounter with Jesus and it changed everything."



Jackie never knew what love was until she had a child of her own, and in 1992 she gave birth to a beautiful healthy baby boy, David. Seven years later Jackie would experience a pain that she never knew existed. Because of her drug use the state came in and took her son away and placed him in a foster home. Two weeks later, with a gun in the car and every intention of using it, Jackie went to the foster home to get her son back (the state of Florida refers to this as a kidnapping and Jackie was later charged). What followed next was a lot of media attention, being on the run from the local authorities as well as being wanted by the FBI. Jackie remained on the run with her son with no job, no money and no hope. Through a series of events, she had an encounter with Jesus and it changed everything.


Come hear Jackie speak to find out what happened next and to hear how a girl so far from God could find radical grace, radical love, radical forgiveness and radical hope to be forever Radically Changed and to live the life that God created for each of us.



He is not here - HE IS RISEN!



Jackie Oerther


Jackie shares her testimony at a Women's Ministry event.



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